Why Work With Hendrick
- Single Reliable Source for All Your Screen Needs
- More Than 40 Years of Experience
- Supplying Diverse Products to a Wide Range of Markets
- Highest Quality Screen Products
- State-of-the-Art Technology and Manufacturing
- Reputation for Outstanding Customer Service

Our customers worldwide rely on Hendrick Screen as wedge wire screen manufacturers and stainless Profile Bar manufacturers for applications in the water intake/waste water, fish diversion, petrochemical, pulp and paper, food and beverage, and mining and aggregate industries. We also produce up-market, exotic Profile Bar surfaces for architectural uses that are both functional and decorative.

Customer Service
The Hendrick creed is, "Just Do the Right Thing." We believe that to succeed, we must apply it to everything that we do. Toward this end, we pursue open communication that makes us easily accessible to our customers while we meet their business demands. We know our customers, we listen to their requirements and we respond quickly to their requests. Doing the right thing is the only way to treat our customers.
An Industry Leader In
Customer Service
We’re Proud of Our Customer
Satisfaction Score (CSAT)*
- 9595%

An Introduction toHENDRICK SCREEN
Hendrick is a leading wedge wire screen manufacturer and Profile Bar manufacturer.
We leverage our extensive technical knowledge and decades of experience as an industrial screen manufacturer to produce high-quality screens in a variety of materials, sizes, shapes and precision openings. Hendrick Screen began its manufacturing operations in 1974, so today we deliver 40+ years of expertise as wedge wire manufacturers and more that our customers know they can trust.

for Me

“Your screens work very well. They are always packaged well. Shipping time has been pretty good. When we have been in a pinch for screens, you always somehow managed to accommodate us — we are very pleased.”
Mining & Aggregate Company